Comprehensive Health Care, Naturally.

Comprehensive Health Care, Naturally.

Dr. Alexa Saba, ND

“I help people uncover the underlying cause of their health concerns so that they can live a vibrant and balanced life.”

Dr. Alexa Saba, ND

“I help people uncover the underlying cause of their health concerns so that they can live a vibrant and balanced life.”

Conditions Treated

My focus is always on the big picture and looking at the body as a whole. The digestive system, nervous system and endocrine (hormone) system are all connected and greatly influence one another. I leave no stone unturned and take all of these relationships into consideration when diagnosing and treating my patients. I have a special focus in the following areas:

Naturopathic Services

I am committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care. I listen to your health concerns and work with you to provide both short and long-term health solutions. Treatment plans are tailored to your comfort level, so that you can be an active participant in your health care. I provide both in person and virtual care using a combination of the following:

Nutrition Naturopathic Services
Nutrition Naturopathic Services
Nutrition Naturopathic Services
Herbal Medicine
Nutrition Naturopathic Services
Nutrition Naturopathic Services
Lab Testing

About Me

Iā€™m Dr. Alexa Saba, a registered Naturopathic Doctor serving the areas of Hamilton, Stoney Creek, and Burlington, Ontario. My passion is helping people of all ages achieve optimal health using a natural and evidence-informed approach. I aim to provide a non-judgmental space that values inclusivity and safety.

I take time getting to know my patients and empower them to take control of their health. I believe the key to wellness is to view symptoms as important messages from our bodies that something is off balance; by investigating these messages on a deeper level we can uncover what is going on and address the root of the issue.

I work with you to support the bodyā€™s incredible capacity to heal itself to achieve long term results.

Dr. Alexa Saba, ND in Hamilton and Stoney Creek

Get In Touch!

I currently offer in-person visits at Mulberry Wellness in Hamilton and virtual visits through my personal practice to anyone residing in Ontario.

Please find FAQā€™s page for commonly asked questions and the Book Now page to book a visit.

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